We Have Moved! YAY!!! - Please Update RSS & Links!
I just wanted to drop a line in on this blog to let people know that we've moved. If you're subscribed to a reader or via email and you still get 'this' message then PLEASE update your RSS feed to: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheWritersRoundAbout
If you've linked to The Writer's Round-About (http://laffarsmith.blogspot.com) in the past then I'd really love it if you could update your links! Old links 'should' still work but by updating to the new domain you can help me with my SEO and Page Rank. If you come across a dead link that should point to The Writer's Round-About please let me know.
So, just to recap. The All New Writer's Round-About can now be found at http://www.writersroundabout.com That's east to remember, isn't it? If you've got any questions, need help, or just want to say hi feel free to email me at rebecca.laffarsmith@gmail.com